Structured Water

With the IteraCare Wand you can structure a pint glass of water in as little as 30 seconds.

What is Structured Water? Also, known as H3O2 because it has a different molecular structure, being 10X denser and including more dissolved oxygen than H2O.  It’s found everywhere in nature from rivers to oceans and in fruits and vegetables. It’s pure hydrating and energizing water. In the Ancient Ayurvedic texts it was written to store water in copper vessels for 6 - 8 hours before drinking. This process structured the water and is a method still in use today in many parts of the world.

An easy way to understand structured water is, imagine that Macy’s is having 90% off sale on everything in the store. The crowd begins to gather early in the morning. When the store opens the whole of the crowd tries to push through the door at the same time. Obviously, this is not the most efficient method to enter the store. Creating a structure to the crowd, putting them in a single line will allow for the easy entry into the department store. Structured water is organized and ready to be easily absorbed into every cell of the body.  


It’s linear structure makes it easier to absorb and more hydrating and energizing than H2O.

IteraCare charged water has a 680x lower viscosity than normal water. By drinking it we greatly reduce our blood viscosity. The blood flows more freely, the cells can more easily transport nutrients and efficiently eliminate toxins and waste.

It helps to make our body more resistant to radiation and free radical damage helping to detoxify our cells and repair cellular damage.

This water carries with it the terahertz charge resonating with all healthy cells helping to strengthen them and having a natural inhibitory effect on unhealthy cells.


Charge water with your iTeracare wand