Charge water with your iTeracare wand

Common question on charging your water πŸ’¦

Q: Is it ok to wand your water in glass and then transfer to plastic or metal to drink it?

A: Yes πŸ‘ As long as you're wanding *filtered* water in glass, you can transfer to anything you'd like to drink it in.🍢πŸ₯€


Regular drinking of the Charged Terahertz Water πŸ’¦ helps to enhance human cell activity, reduce blood viscosity, expel waste and toxins, repair every cell, and make it more healthy and vigorous. THz water possess a single water molecule that makes it easier to pass through cell membrane water channels with kinetic energy πŸ’₯. This quick, high penetrating force has strong dissolving power.

After entering the body, its constant resonance with the cells then transporting more nutrients, minerals and oxygen that are beneficial to the body. It then enters every corner of the 🧬cell, so that our cells are filled with clean, vibrant and nutritious liquid molecules.  This can greatly promote the growth, development and activity of the cells.  This is why Thz water can aid in beauty and moisturize our skin.

​At the same time, the nutrients that cannot be completely absorbed by the cells and the fats, cholesterol and other substances stored in the body will be dissolved and excreted. The result, the body’s detoxification system gets a serious upgrade!  β€οΈπŸ’¦πŸ’₯🧬


Order iTera Frequency Wand- New Zealand


Structured Water