Renee Swain

PRIFE Independent Business Owner

iTeraCare Global Distributor


“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Terahertz wave frequency is found between far infrared and microwave with a wavelength of between 0.3 μm and 3 μm.

When cells are irradiated by Terahertz frequency, it rapidly transfers energy into the human body and activates inert cells. Scientific research shows that it is completely safe for the human body’s cell absorption.

The principal treatment of iTeraCare is to unclog capillaries to enhance the body and cells to function healthily.

iTeraCare uses Terahertz waves that penetrate deep into the body’s tissues up to 0-30 cms to support circulation and the immune system.

Terahertz resonates at the same frequency as normal human cells, generating hundreds of millions of vibrations per second.

“iTerCare Device” integrates three top technologies - Terahertz, Quantum and Optical Quartz. Its components are cast with more than 100 trace elements.

What is Terahertz?

3 types of iTeraCare wands


Terahertz resonates at the same frequency as normal human cells, generating millions of vibrations per second thus activating optimal cellular function for a happy body!

scalar wave

Scalar Wave

Generates Scalar Wave Energy that energizes our cells, balances bodily systems, strengthens the body, produces healing energy, and penetrates deeper into the vital organs.

optical quartz

Optical Quartz

Optical Quartz amplifies the energy generated by the device, creating a more powerful result. Mimics 1/40 of the sunlight’s UV energy. It strengthens auric fields in the body.

Integrates 3 in 1 Core Technology

Terahertz | Scalar Wave | Optical Quartz

Benefits of Terahertz Device

  • muscle stiffness

    Relieves all kinds of pain caused by muscle stiffness.

  • reduces fatigue

    Reduces fatigue, improves sleep

  • improve blood stasis

    Improves varicose veins, blood stasis

  • relieves eczema, itchy skin

    Relieves eczema, insect bites, itchiness and skin problems

  • stregthens metabolism

    Strengthens metabolism, improves microcirculation

  • relieves gastrointestinal problems

    Relieves gastrointestinal problems

How does it work?

  • Radiant Heat

    Current is passed through a coiled, Nichrome element, creating both radiant, and infrared heat.

  • Optical Quartz

    As infrared waves pass through the optical-grade, quartz tube, excited electrons begin to vibrate.

  • TeraHertz Technology

    Significantly void of impurities, the optical quartz tube’s vibration generates Terahertz frequencies.

  • Convection Current

    As Terahertz frequencies are generated, convection currents force the radiant air from the fused, quartz tube.

  • Transdermal Delivery

    When the iTeracare wand is pointed toward the body, non-ionizing frequencies are delivered directly through the skin.

A Great Era and a Better Way to Stay Healthy for the Next Generation